domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Planets of the solar system, moon phases, eclipses and seasons.

PowerPoint about the earth in the universe:

Here you have two links to two songs made about the planets of the solar system and about which we will answer the following questionnaire:


1.       How many planets are there in the solar system?

2.       Is it Mercury the hardest planet? Why?

3.       How long is a year in Mercury surface?

4.       What are the characteristics of Venus?

5.       The earth has __________ life

6.       What is the colour of Mars?

7.       Mars has the highest ___________ of the solar system , but it’s not a real mountain, it is a ________and its name is __________ Mons.

8.       Jupiter is covered with________

9.       What is the Giant red spot of Jupiter?

10.   What is the colour of Saturn?

11.   Saturn’s rings are made of …

12.   What is the colour of Uranus?

13.   Why do people usually call Uranus the Icy planet?

14.   Say one characteristic of Neptune’s atmosphere


Dwarf planets

1.       What are the names of the dwarf planets in order to the sun? 

2.       What is the name of the planet which is the closest to the sun?        and the furthest one?

3.       Where are most of the dwarf planets in our solar system?

4.       What is the dwarf planet that some years ago was a regular planet (not dwarf)?

5.       What is the planet that is more massive than Pluto?

6.       How much time does Hamea need to revolve around the sun?

7.       When was Makemake discovered?

8.        How many years does Eris need to revolve around the sun? 

9.       What  is the planet that doesn’t have atmosphere?

Haciendo clic en la siguiente imagen podréis jugar a memorizar los planetas del sistema solar, así  como su imagen. 

In the following video you will watch why and how....

Look the next pictures, you should find an importante difference. What of these ones is wrong?

Why do seasons occur?

You can understand in the following video:

After watching the following video answer the following questions: 

1.- What is the name of the theory that the documentary talks about? 
2.- Who proposed this theory? 
3.- What does this theory explain? 
4.- What was the universe like in the beginning? And why was it formed? 
5.- When was the universe formed? And the solar system? 
6.- How many stars are there in the solar system? 
7.-How many galaxies are there in the universe? 
8.- What important tool do scientists use to observe the universe? Name it.

Why do tides occur?

¿En qué fase de la luna nos encontramos hoy?

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