lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023

The atmosphere

Taking account the following picture, answer the following questions:

a) Write the names of the different layers n the correct order (0,5 points)

b) What is the reason that in the thermosphere the temperature increase with the altitude? (0,5 points)

c) What is the reason that in the stratosphere the temperature increase with the altitude? (0,5 points)

d) Calculate how thick is each layer. (0,5 points)

e) What is the layer that the planes use to fly? (0,5 points)

f) Inside which layer you can find the ozone layer? What is this layer for? (0,5 points)

g) What is the difference between Troposphere and Tropopausa? (0,5 points)

h) What is the other name of the layer called Thermosphere? (0,5 points)

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